May half term club 2024

27th, 28th and 29th May

(10.30 am-2.30 pm)

For children 5-12 years old

Summer and autumn camps 2024 (dates TBC)

May half term

We are offering 3 educational holiday clubs for children 5-15 (10-3 pm) 27th, 28th and 29th May 2024- £35/ day or £78 for all three days!- freshly cooked plant-based lunch is provided.

Farm School summer camp

Come and enjoy Shillingford Organics Farm School for a day and a night!

Date and time TBC- for expression of interest please email us on

Cost: £25 per family (1-2 adults and 1-2 children) + £5 for any additional child

This is an exclusive event for Farm School families only. Please write to us if you have not come to Farm School before and would like to join our camp on

Autumn camp out plan:

Arrive 2pm

Set up whatever camping equipment you have brought with you for a comfortable night’s sleep.

From 2.30pm There are some self directed activities you can do with your children or just chill out.

Around 3.30pm we will for a walk around the fields harvesting food to take back to our Farm School kitchen to cook and share together.

Around 5.30 pm we will share and enjoy a harvest feast

Around 7pm we will light the campfire and enjoy toasted marshmallows and a singalong/ story sharing (bring your own songs, stories to share) . Please let us know in advance if you are vegan. Make sure that the clothing you bring to the camp is suitable for the changing daytime/night time temperature and that footwear is suitable for the terrain.

We anticipate lights out at around 9.30-10pm after a long day in the autumn sun and fresh air so please be prepared to keep noise down after 10pm to help children settle. A good torch is ideal for night time movement around Farm School.

The kitchen will open for tea and coffee from 08.00 on Sunday morning, with breakfast around 9.30. Porridge will be provided and with apple sauce will be shared for breakfast.

9.30-10.00 Putting down tents and packing away getting ready to leave or the harvest season event. Please book your place here if you haven’t already!

What to bring to the Camp:

  1. Your own tent and camping equipment

  2. Cutlery, plates, bowls and cups for everyone in your party. You will be welcome to use the farm school kitchen sinks to wash these up.

  3. Please bring any extra food/snacks/drinks you or your children may want – we are providing the means to make a shared soup meal with salads, bread and cake.

We will also have tea and coffee with oat milk available for self service throughout the camp. Filtered water is also constantly available Porridge and toast will be available on Sunday morning for breakfast. Please bring alternatives if you prefer.

Please use our kitchen facilities for any boiling of water;  for fire safety reasons we request that you do not bring camp cookers/stoves/candles or any form of naked flame to the site.

A first aid kit is available at Farm School for self administration.